Will I Be Able To Get A Wisdom Tooth Removal In Coventry, RI?

Will I Be Able To Get A Wisdom Tooth Removal In Coventry, RI?

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Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, typically erupt when people are in their late teens and early twenties. Because the jaw is too small now to accommodate four wisdom teeth, they become impacted. Impacted wisdom teeth can cause a number of problems. Luckily, at a skilled and trusted dental professional’s practice, impacted wisdom teeth can be extracted through wisdom tooth removals in Coventry, RI.


Interested to learn how exactly wisdom tooth removals are performed? Continue reading to learn how wisdom tooth removals are performed.

How Are Wisdom Tooth Removals In Coventry, RI Performed?

When people have impacted wisdom teeth, they will need them expertly extracted through a wisdom tooth removal procedure. The following describes exactly what happens during a wisdom tooth removal procedure.

The Consultation:

The initial consultation is a crucial step in the wisdom tooth removal process. During this appointment, the dental professional will conduct a comprehensive examination of the patient’s mouth. This typically involves taking X-rays to determine the position of the wisdom teeth, assessing the risk of damage to nearby teeth or nerves, and evaluating the overall health of the patient’s gums and oral cavity.


The dental professional will explain the findings, discuss potential risks and benefits of the procedure, and provide personalized guidance on pre-operation and post-operation care to the patient. This consultation visit is an excellent opportunity for patients to ask questions and to express any concerns they may have regarding their upcoming wisdom tooth removal.

Administering Sedation Dentistry:

Before the wisdom tooth removal procedure begins, intravenous (IV) sedation is administered to the patient to ensure they have a comfortable and anxiety-free procedure experience. The primary reason for administering IV sedation to patients, is to induce them in a state of deep relaxation while they remain conscious and able to respond to verbal cues from the dental professional.


This sedation dentistry option is advantageous because it allows for a controlled and tailored administration of sedative medication directly into the bloodstream, which can be adjusted throughout the procedure for optimal effect. IV sedation also typically includes amnesic properties, meaning that patients often have little to no memory of the procedure after its completion, reducing potential post-operative stress.


The safety and efficacy of IV sedation make it a popular choice for managing discomfort and anxiety during wisdom tooth removals.

Extracting The Wisdom Teeth:

Once the patient is comfortably sedated, the dental professional begins the actual wisdom tooth removal process. To access an impacted wisdom tooth or teeth, the dental professional will make a small incision in the patient’s gum tissue, revealing the tooth and bone. If the tooth is encased in the jawbone, the dentist will remove the bone covering the tooth.


The complexity of the wisdom tooth removal procedure can vary. In some cases, the wisdom tooth can be removed in one piece. In others, the wisdom tooth may need to be divided into smaller sections for safe and efficient removals. The dental professional will carefully remove the wisdom tooth, taking care not to damage any nearby teeth or nerves.

Closing The Wound:

After the wisdom tooth has been safely extracted, the dental professional will clean the site thoroughly and close the wound with stitches (sutures). They may also place gauze over the extraction site to promote blood clotting and reduce bleeding. The dental professional will provide the patient with detailed post-operative care instructions, including how to manage pain and swelling, what foods to eat and avoid, and when to schedule follow-up appointments.


Once wisdom teeth are successfully removed and the site of the extraction is healed, the patient can go back to living their life normally.

See Us Now So We Can Improve Your Smile With A Wisdom Tooth Removal


When you come to our caring and dedicated office, we can expertly treat you with wisdom tooth removals through our latest techniques and technologies. Why wait to transform the look and health of your smile with us? Get in contact with Dr. Eric M. George, Dr. Bashar A. Shehadeh, Dr. Dean Trubschenck, Dr. Floyd Lopez, and our highly exceptional team at our Eric George DMD office to schedule an appointment today!

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